
Programs :-

a.) Educational Center:

                                 In our village there is no educational infrastructure and facilities . Hence we are running an educational initiative designated as Shiv Shankar Sishu Niketan. Here the children of the locality are provided with primary education, by the competent as well as affectionate teachers. Apart from our concentration on the academic curriculum, we are also engaged in the critical process of imparting value education to the students of our school. We are trying to infuse the elements of values, ethics and scruples within the tender mind-frame of the students. All efforts are being made to foster the delicate buds of the society to bloom with grace and elegance. 
We expect that our educational initiative is going to generate the competent architects of the future years who will be proactively involved in the process of building up the nation.

b.) Agricultural Training & Demonstration Center:
                                                                              In Our Locality, most of the common people are engaged with agriculture as their principal occupation. To make the marginalized farmers of the locality acquainted with the tools and techniques of sustainable agriculture, we are running a comprehensive training cum demonstration

farm on a sprawling land of 7.5 acres. We are infusing practical knowledge among the farmers regarding the following issues –

Integrated Farming

• Organic Farming

• Integrated Pest Management

• Application of Bio-fertilizers

• Bio-diversity and many more

c.) Capacity Building Program: 

                                                   There is no dearth of talent in the development sector. However the talents need to be harnessed and smartened so that they can adapt themselves with the fiercely dynamic progression of the development sector. To illumine the development professionals regarding the cutting-edge tools and technologies of development, we have emerged as a comprehensive capacity builder in the development sector. We are analyzing the need of the development organizations and designing the need–driven training programs for enhancing the professional competence of the development workers. We hope that our mentoring will facilitate them to operate with greater effectiveness.

d.) Entrepreneurship Development Program: 

                                                                  We are regularly organizing Entrepreneurship Development Program for the local youth, the members of the Farmers Clubs and members of the women Self-Help Groups. Through the successful implementation of the well-designed EDP, we are making our target-audience equipped with the requisite skills, so that they can launch and manage viable micro-enterprise.

We are also rendering them continual support in the areas like Project-Appraisal, backward –integration, Market-Led-Extension etc.

e.) Promotion of Indigenous Culture : 

                                                            Scattered around the Sundarban areas there are multidimensional folk culture which have originated and continued from the remote past. Out of them Manasha-Mangal , Bon-Bibir pala , Dakshin Rayer Upakhyan, Peer-Gaan  etc. deserve special mention. However due to the advent of globalization accompanied by the infiltration of a synthetic monoculture, the primitive folk-culture is losing ground day by day. The folk cultural performers are also getting trampled under pressure. To tackle the situation we are organizing folk-cultural festivals on an ongoing basis, for ensuring the popularity of the oblivious folk-culture and the strategic promotion of the cultural performers.

f.) Disaster Preparedness: 

                                          We operate within a geographical area which extremely vulnerable to natural calamities. In recent past disastrous cyclones have ravaged many of the local communities. Keeping this in mind we have inducted the need-governed program of Disaster Preparedness in our agenda. Through the process of inculcating concept transferring -skill we are making the susceptible communities equipped with the proficiency of managing impending natural disaster and associated peril.

G.) Community Based Health Care & Development:

                                                                               We are generating awareness within the people of the community regarding certain significant health related issues like low-cost nutrition, immunization etc. This makes it possible for them to promote their health status and protect them from various health perils.

We are also orchestrating diagnosis and treatment camps for the alleviation of the endemic health problems of the local people .

E. Institutional Infrastructure

F. Donors 

G. Documents & Credentials 

H. Presidential Message 

I. Appeal for Donation